
The bid
as it should be.

The best bidding management platform to get the lowest prices with the highest integrity.

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About Munaqes

Munaqes is a full service e-platform that transfers the whole tender process to the digital world, by facilitating the negotiation between the buyer and the vendor.

Add unlimited bids

Add unlimited number of jobs needed to be done

Get invited to jobs

Recieve unlimited invitations from partners

Add team members

Add your team as a branch accounts.

Track your work

View business related stats for the whole team

How Bid Works

Vendors bidding through Munaqes can now finish the work of months andyears in a matter of hours and days. They can bid at the lowest price with the possibility of adjusting the bid due to fierce competition.

Your bids everywhere.

Personal performance tracking made easy.

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Plans that fit your scale

Simple, transparent pricing that grows with you. Try any of munaqes plans

+3 Users

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